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Kimmy Tan excitedly prepares for a unique infused dinner party, discussing her influencer network and her outfit choices while showcasing a fun, relatable vibe.


  • 🎉 Kimmy is thrilled to attend a rare infused dinner party.
  • 🍽️ The event is hosted by Ooka, offering a unique culinary experience.
  • 🤝 She invites creators from her network to foster connections.
  • 💄 Kimmy shares her makeup routine and outfit dilemmas.
  • 🎒 She showcases her stylish, smell-proof bag for the event.
  • 🍣 Guests enjoy delicious food, including salmon, at the party.
  • 💨 First-time experiences with Ooka pods are highlighted by friends.

Key Insights

🎤 The introduction of unique devices like Ooka pods signals innovation in cannabis consumption, appealing to both seasoned users and newcomers, enhancing the overall experience of the event.elf-discovery.

🌟 Kimmy’s excitement for the infused dinner illustrates the growing trend of unique dining experiences within the influencer community, showing a shift from traditional gatherings to more creative events.

🤗 By inviting fellow creators, Kimmy emphasizes the importance of networking and community-building among influencers, enhancing collaboration opportunities.

💅 Her candid discussion about outfit insecurities resonates with many, reflecting a common struggle with personal style evolution and body positivity.

👜 The use of a specialized weed-proof bag highlights the increasing acceptance and normalization of cannabis culture in social settings, allowing for a more relaxed atmosphere.

🍽️ The pairing of food and cannabis at the dinner party showcases a culinary trend that merges gastronomy with cannabis enjoyment, elevating the overall dining experience.

🎉 The lively vibe and interactions among guests underscore the importance of social experiences in enriching personal and professional relationships within the influencer space.



oh that’s we are here what’s smoking y’all it’s your girl Kim Tan and I’m so glad all y’all could come hang out with me today got my 79 sativa pod over here and I’m going to load that up while I get ready today yes got the host plug that right in while we get ready today so I’m going to a dinner party tonight which is rare cuz I never ever leave my house ever but I’m going to a dinner party tonight and it’s not just any dinner party it’s an infused dinner party which is the first one I’ve been to in a


little while I’m super excited for tonight’s dinner it’s a dinner hosted by ukah I’m really excited not just you know cuz it’s an excuse to leave my house not just for the food and just for the amazing experience that I’ll probably have there but I’m just really excited cuz I am bringing creators from my network yes I’m so excited they said I could bring people so I figured this would be the perfect chance to invite some of my creators get to know them you know just kind of get to give them this


cool dinner experience you know what I mean oh oh oh the ukah is ready the ukah is ready hold on let me just put on this lash does that look even does like does that look even to you so a little while ago I started an influencer Network called Dragon Network and the whole point was really just like you know a way to get creators a lot of different brand deals and stuff but recently it’s been evolving to okay not do not just do these creators get like all these brand deals and stuff but they also get like experiences and to get to


go to events and to you know Foster relationships with other creators other creators and stuff so I figured this dinner would be perfect you know not just for me to meet all these creators but for these creators to get to meet each other and just really just like have a good time you know I’m probably going to want to wear red tonight or some kind of color so hold on I’m going to change real quick you know what I’ve always thought the ukah was so tasty these little 79 pots they have cuz you know how like you


know when it comes to wine and stuff there’s like certain cheeses and certain crackers that like pair well with certain wines so I really wonder what kind of food they’re going to serve tonight is that even is that even I don’t care how old I get I will always do a wing with my eyeliner on both sides it’s a little bit too much eyeliner but you know what I am an emo kid so now that I have dark hair I don’t know if you guys can see but yeah it just kind of just looks like I have no dreads at all I kind of want to do something with


it tonight I don’t know I’ve been in my braid ERA this year like I don’t know if you if you go to you know all my lives and stuff pretty much just like have had fun with just like all the different kinds of ways I could do like braids and stuff um I’ve done the Dutch braid thing you know the braid braid but I just have so much hair like my dreads are just so thick that like the braids end up being like so so much you know should I do fall ponytail I kind of been liking having these like antenna things so we


can cover up the places on my face that have acne as for the outfit I really don’t know what I’m going to wear tonight like oh this is like the most annoying part of going out I think is just like taking my outfit like I haven’t bought any new clothes in a while and I just feel like all the clothes I have I’ve kind of not literally outgrown it cuz I’ve lost a little bit of weight but it’s just I just don’t Vibe with the style anymore okay so like I used to just wear sweatpants and stuff like all the time


and like I would buy all these clothes that would like specifically hide parts of my body that I was trying to hide and stuff but now that I’m a little more secure in my body and I am more comfortable wearing more things and I don’t just want to wear sweatpants and bodysuits everywhere it’s like I don’t know like what my style really is anymore and I’m like is there like some kind of like style coach or something like that like I wish I could just like hire someone pay them money and just like I don’t know help me figure out my


style like it was easy being an emo kid you know and I still feel like I am a little bit of an emo kid like there are certain things that just like don’t go away you know it was never fa mom but yeah it was just a lot easier back then I don’t know now like I don’t know growing up and stuff and evolving and changing and like figuring out who you are the hair oh I’m going to get in better lighting I really want to take this bag uh because you know it’s a weed dinner I’m sure they’re going to have water but


like I don’t know I’m going to be more focused on like you know enjoying the moment and like taking content whatever I don’t want to be asking for water every 5 minutes so I want to be able to take my half gallon bottle yeah this bag is like one of the only like weed proof like smellproof bags that’s that’s going to fit everything I need to and you know a couple joints here and there you know whatever but yes they are sack def floors use code Kimmy for a little discount but it’s it’s like a weed


Birkin bag you know comes with little scarf and everything so I want to choose an outfit that matches this kind of like green color I mean I could go christmas and do like a red and green I found a green skirt it’s like literally like almost like the same okay it’s not really almost the same at all but it’s going to work it’s going to work cute cute this isn’t the front usually but I just think it looks better like this is this too much green I mean especially cuz I’m going to be like you can do it as a backpack or like


just like this I’m literally ookaing right now oh I put it on pause feel like it’s a bit too much green kind of it’s just going into like army camouflage territory like oh you can’t see me can you see me you can’t see me oh does good things for the titties though oh I like this I like this you know it’s like it’s like a little sandwich you know and it’s just like the like the green is still the highlight of the outfit but it’s not like just too much in your face and ooh the ey this this necklace that


says 420 it’s not like my skin gets really easily irritated so I might take it off oh my God my nails are falling off and everything oh okay uh hoops no Hoops Hoops Hoops I think I’m going to go [Music] hoops [Music] thank you all for being here this is very [Music] special [Music] all right y’all so we just got here this is G oh oh and that’s [Music] Smitty we are here at this beautiful red I’m going to include like better Clips so you guys can see what is actually there but yes how’s the food so far


going great is good what what is this is this is some salmon yeah yes yeah I honestly don’t know what it is you don’t even know what it is you’re just eating it Sean Sean SE Sean and seanan what you how you feel about the salmon Sean Sean oh I’m Sean SE Sean red be Sean it’s phenomenal phenomen it’s phenomenal electric electric I like that I like that and how is the how is the new Ooka pody oh you still have you’re at this Ooka event you haven’t hit the Ooka yet there you go oh this is perfect we’re about to catch Smitty’s first time


hitting the ukah right that’s me it’s different right it’s like you can’t even really compare it to like like a bong hit or like a pipe hit or something like that right is it’s Smo it’s an Ooka [Music] yeah I’m already in my first bite oh UK in one hand try it first bite okay let me see boom let me see oh my I don’t want to get too and and that ukah flavor is meant to be paired with with this delicious what what what is it hell yeah oh how is it girl o Miss Alexis Nicole damn your skin is perfect


oh my [Laughter] God you got Smitty with his not one not two oh excellent I realized like the seasonings aren’t the same in the um the Fri they’re like sweet and Smoky spicy is that like chili it’s like balsamic vinegar [Music] go



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